Reading Glenn Perry’s excellent article in the recent AA Journal
about interpreting the chart as a story line with a moral challenge or
conundrum (or multiple moral challenges or conundrums) at it’s core,
prompted me to think about how our storylines converge or interplay with
the greater storyline at a Cosmic level. This notion of interpreting
the chart in the light of being designed to create the conditions for a
particular part of our evolutionary journey is not new to me, having
been at the heart of my teaching from Chrissy on the Black Hole Game of
Life. In my own life, Astrology has provided the detail of the plot for
the story and the I-Ching guidance on the moral conundrums that the
storyline provides. I have long been awe-struck by the way that the
cosmic storyline so intricately weaves together individual storylines so
that their plots are perfectly intermeshed to provide fuel for each
others storyline and also for the collective one (at a family, group,
organisational, national etc. etc. level). We seem to all be part of a
game designed to provoke evolution and each of us plays our small part
in the greater process of evolution.
I was wondering therefore what the plot line and moral conundrum at
the heart of the current Pluto-Uranus transit is? Indeed I know there
are multiple moral conundrums but they are meshed together within the
archetypal parameters of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. In
turn these two giants play out a storyline with other characters in the
plot in the form of the Neptune-Chiron conjunction and faster moving and
more dynamic characters who pop up on the stage for more rapid cameos
such as Mercury, Mars and Venus.
It strikes me that within business (since Capricorn rules business)
there is a transformation taking place. Within the legal profession, I
am watching the fact that there is a breakdown in hierarchy and
traditional modes of business bought about by innovations in
technology. Work is being outsourced to other countries at an ever
increasing pace and what was once highly paid work being done by
specialists is being commoditised and performed by lower paid workers.
Even the elite law firms are having to adapt to greater pressure on
price and commoditisation and the entrance of new adaptable players on
the market (firms like Axiom offer flexible models of working and
interesting projects to bright young lawyers which challenge the
traditional model of the “magic circle” firms). The current financial
crisis is adding impetus to this by focusing organisations on cost and
efficiency with even greater ruthlessness. Within the EU it is causing
conflicts in terms of budgets and whether we want to continue to pay for
expensive European administration. Anything which has grown fat and
decadent is the subject of pressure to be pruned back.
At the same time, there are programmes being instituted to breakdown
the elitism of “The City”, to bring in people from less privileged
backgrounds and to encourage a less “privileged” mindset. More than
this, the normal parameters of business are shifting, with technology
playing a greater and greater role in day-to-day business, perhaps on
the scale of a new industrial revolution. My father, currently
suffering Uranus opposite his Mars and Pluto square it, who is no slouch
in IT terms, feels distraught at being excluded from a whole world
accessible only by the technologically savvy younger generations.
In the West, our companies are increasingly dependent on and starting
to be underpinned by finance from Asia, as is the American economy.
Trying to look from a broader perspective, what is the moral
conundrum that we are solving or being challenged to look at here? What
I see is that there are a number of threads to this. Part of it, is
the acceptance of change. Pluto has always had the idea of “thy will
not mine” to me. The sense that we cannot fight with Life; it is
ultimately far more powerful than us and while we might be sure that we
have a better idea of how life should be, we are not in control and we
have to sacrifice our most cherished notions to this reality. While
Pluto, in my view, often grinds us down over time like a relentless
steamroller, Uranus in Aries brings quick, shocking and sudden changes.
Those in power, whether it be Assad in Syria, Gadafi before him or
Angela Merkel in Europe are like King Canut trying to hold back the
waves; you sense that their efforts are ultimately doomed because they
are fighting a battle against forces beyond their power to control.
It is the same for my father who is struggling to come to terms with
old age and the changes this is bringing. Activities like looking after
the lawn and clearing the garden of leaves have become symbolic of his
inability to hold back the process of aging and the changes it is
bringing in his ability to cope.
Glenn Perry described the moral conundrums or black holes that sit at
the heart of our evolution as being “insoluble”. Chrissy’s work on
black holes suggests that the solution is always concerned with “giving
up” or “letting go”. What is it we are giving up? We are giving up our
attachment to a mind picture of how we want our lives or the world to
be to accept the reality of the way that the world actually is or is
changing to be.
In the case of Europe there is a very strongly held collective mind
picture that Europe is important, that it must survive; that it is the
only way the nations within it can survive. Yesterday, in running a
training programme in Frankfurt a German woman I was talking to, was
horrified to hear that there were people in Britain who could consider
leaving the European Union. She was vehement that Britain could not
possibly survive outside the EU, even when I pointed out that Norway and
Switzerland have done so very successfully, she was horrified at such
heretical thinking. Yet there is something similar in the notion of
Europe and what I am seeing in the law firms. The old elite (Capricorn)
is under threat. Europe used to be the aristocracy of the world;
wealthy, politically powerful and used to being at the centre of world
affairs. Yet now there are parvenus appearing at every corner. The
nouveau riche of China, Brazil and India threaten to overwhelm the
established order and we are having to get used to our new role in the
world and also to the economic pressures to compete that this will
bring. For many, our purses have tightened and the days of largesse
feel behind us. In business the wind of competition on price and value
is blowing hard and most are having to cut their cloth accordingly.
At another level, there is little that is new in this cycle. Life is
manipulating us through fear and greed (another form of fear) to
change. We are caught by the fear that unless we develop our technology
and find new ways to compete we will be left behind; that we must
streamline our processes or jump on the bandwagon of outsourcing or we
will be shipwrecked by the economic times. This is a con, we are being
manipulated into change for life’s ulterior purposes of evolution. Yes,
it has its purpose in challenging where we have become flabby and
decadent and at another level of evolution I can only speculate that
this is part of the ongoing development of shedding unnecessary elements
of our existence; more and more of the manual or routine in our lives
is being mechanised or computerised. Perhaps we have to feel we will be
left behind or miss the boat or why would we bother to evolve? Since
this similar process has been going on for eons – the Normans defeated
the Saxons largely due to their ability to harness horses in warfare,
Stone Age man was outmoded by Iron Age Man and so on. It is very much
like Groundhog day, as Glen Perry noted in his article.
Yet, perhaps we are missing the point. The point is not that we can
control these events. The point, as in our personal lives, is how we
deal with these events, in our attitude or response to them. I have
always felt a certain sympathy for politicians, because it strikes me
they are at the forefront of the con of life. They are voted into power
with the explicit expectation that they can do something about
the mess, that they can influence, shape and change things. Yet, as I
notice in coaching leaders in large business, they find themselves
powerless to control forces that everyone expects them to control. So
how do we deal with these forces?
The I-Ching talks about change in the hexagram Shock. Its counsel is that such times of Shock are times when we “examine our heart lest it bear any secret opposition to the will of God”.
That is we have to embrace and open our mind and heart to the change,
to accept it, no matter how much we may dislike it or it may not fit
with our picture of how things should be. Yet it also suggests that
these external factors are not the key but rather our inner attitude; “When
a man has learned within his heart what fear and trembling mean, he is
safeguarded against any terror produced by outside influences. Let the
thunder roll and spread terror a hundred miles around: he remains so
composed and reverent in spirit that the sacrificial rite is not
interrupted. This is the spirit that must animate leaders and rulers of
men-a profound inner seriousness from which all terrors glance off
harmlessly. So the I-Ching is suggesting that we must develop our
inner nature. This is the message of the film Groundhog Day, that at
first Bill Murray’s character rages against life and fate, trying to
push against it and change it. Yet as it repeats he comes to accept it
and attends instead to what is important, his own attitude and the way
he is treating others around him and the external events become less
important to him than his own inner life and approach.
The I-Ching also says shock comes oh!oh! then laughing words, ha!ha!
The fear and trembling brought by shock have their value in waking our
consciousness but once we see the game we can laugh and regain our
perspective. We can laugh at how Life is playing with us all. Wouldn’t
it be wonderful if we could all laugh at the current economic crisis
and at the way we have all been conned? We really thought we had broken
the cycle of boom and recession – ha ha! Look, we think Europe is so
important – ha!ha! We thought we were so brilliant as big law firms, or
consultants – Ha! Ha! We bankers thought we ruled the world, ha ha!
The wonderful woman I met in Germany who was so horrified by the thought
of leaving the European Union, had in general a very wise perspective.
She thought that life had a very British sense of humour, a sense of
the absurd and an irreverent enjoyment of playing with our expectations
and wishes.
Humour, I think, tells us that we are ok, no matter how bad the
situation. As the Irish rugby team always used to say “the situation is
critical, but not serious!”. It tell us that we can have the sense of
perspective to see the game but not be caught in it and take it and
ourselves too seriously.
I was talking to someone at one of the large firms I work for about
the process of change going on and the need to be more efficient (they
were a Capricorn). Their perspective was that it was a good thing as
everything had become too flabby and inefficient; it was a reassuring
return to good business precepts. My heart didn’t like this. I could
appreciate the truth in some of it, but it had no heart, no compassion
for those around them who were being made redundant. It was cold and
uncaring. Life is ruthless, there is no question about that, it wants
evolution and it doesn’t care how it gets it; it is manipulative and
brutal and whether we suffer or die does not appear to concern it; it is
operating at a vastly greater scale. However, I don’t think we have to
be brutal or if we are, that it diminishes us. I think we can care for
each other. The sort of humour I describe has warmth and connection in
it. It brings us all together. The I-Ching says that “we are all one
in our hearts”. We might not be able to prevent the events of life or
its demands but we can choose our attitude towards them and not lose
sight of the hearts of those around us. I wonder if Life is presenting
an opportunity to bring us together; it certainly seems that it is
spreading organisations across the globe so that people from different
cultures have to get to know each other and work together and with
outsourcing and commoditisation it is bringing the mighty down to earth
somewhat to remind them of their humanity. This is not to say that new
winners and elites will not form, that appears to be part of the cycle
and parameters. Yet we are now questioning these things, being forced
to bring them to consciousness. We are in a pruning phase of life and
while painful, it is necessary. We cannot avoid this cycle but we are
responsible for our attitude and how we play it out. Bashar Al-Assad is
an example of this Groundhog Day phenomenon – it is another chance to
decide how we play the same situation as Libya. It appears insoluble.
That the current elite must fall and reconnect with the common humanity
of the masses seems a given, yet how to do it? It is Groundhog Day, in
that this was also the situation with Saddam Hussein. I wonder how many
times we will need to repeat this plot before we evolve to playing it
with real compassion and consciousness? At the moment, there is a
stalemate and it appears insoluble. No-one wants to allow a peaceful
transition where Assad leaves because we want him to be punished for his
sins. Yet what is more important, that he is punished or that the
violence and deaths stop and Syria can make a peaceful transition? We
like to think it is not really our moral conundrum but it is.
We can deal with these situations more consciously; we did it in
South Africa, we did it in India and in Northern Ireland, but we had to
let go each time, of the desire for revenge or retribution, of violence
as the means for achieving transition. I wonder how we will play it
this time? Can we bring Neptune-Chiron compassion for the mess and
suffering to bear in this situation and in the economic mess we find
ourselves in or will Neptune-Chiron play out in an orgy of avoidance of
responsibility, dissolution, scapegoating and suffering? Do the changes
in power (Pluto) lead to a deeper understanding of life and a
recognition of what we truly control? Is Uranus played out with cold
brutality and violence or its higher level of enlightened consciousness
and a break with old approaches? The parameters of the plot or storyline
are clearly delineated by the planets and their aspects but we can
choose how consciously we play and do we bring the best of the planets
or the worst? That is our moral conundrum to solve.